Security Questions: Recommended Security Book

Securing_SQL_Server_Second_EditionAs I mentioned in the introductory post, during the Introduction to SQL Server Security session for Pragmatic Work’s Training on the T’s, I received a large number of questions that there wasn’t time to answer.  Instead of just a re-cap of all of the questions, instead I’ve opted to put together a post per topic.  Hopefully, this will help, not just those that attended the session, but also anyone searching for the same questions later on.

Security question

The next question in the list is:

What is the name of the recommended book again?

The book that was mentioned during this series of blog posts and in the presentation is Securing SQL Server, Second Edition: Protecting Your Database from Attackers.  The book was written by Denny Cherry (Blog | @MrDenny) and basically a tome of security information for SQL Server.  I’ve read through most of the book and have found a number of good nuggets of information within it.

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